Question: What does it mean in 1 John 4:4 “greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world”? Could personal revival be experienced by rightly understanding this scripture?
Hello Eric,
Thank you for writing and thank you for your question. “He that is in you” refers to the indwelling Christ. “He that is in the world” refers to the god of this world, which is a reference to Satan.
Jesus is far greater than the enemy of our souls because although Adam legally delivered the kingdom of earth over to the enemy in the Garden of Eden, Jesus legally regained the kingdom of earth on the cross. The wages of sin were paid and the authority of Satan was broken. Jesus rose from the dead and declared “All authority has been given unto Me!”
When Jesus said, “It is finished!” He won the victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil. This will be fully manifested in the future as we read in the Book of Revelation, but even now in the spiritual realm, Satan is at a disadvantage, because he is totally defeated.
In the spiritual realm every believer is in Christ and Christ is in every believer. Jesus sits at the right hand of the throne of the Father far above the enemy (Eph. 1:19ff). This is the position of authority. Every believer is in Christ and seated with Christ in the spiritual realm (Eph. 2:6). Therefore, in Christ, believers are as far above the power of Satan as Christ is. The spiritual realm does not have the geographical boundaries of the physical realm.
Satan may throw his fiery darts, but believers can claim their position in Christ on the throne and lift up the shield of faith rejecting Satan’s attack—and experience freedom in Christ. This is submitting to God, resisting the devil, so that he must flee (James 4:7).
Personal revival is being restored back to life in the Spirit. It is life again. If you’re giving in to Satan, then you are walking in the flesh, which places you under a defeated foe. If this is the case, it is vital to walk in the light through confession, and then by faith take the cleansing of the blood (1 John 1:7,9). Then you can get back to walking in the Spirit and be ready twar from the throne. Knowing the truth of the victory of Christ over the enemy is certainly a great help in living in revival.
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Thank God for His wonderful mercy and grace! Appreciate your
Spirit filled comments. Praying for you and the ministry.
Thank you, AL, for your encouraging words. God bless!