Adelphi Calvary Baptist Church

Adelphi Calvary Baptist Church, 50327

Sunday, November 17th - Wednesday, November 20th | Adelphi Calvary Baptist Church | 7925 Vandalia Rd, Runnells, IA 50237 | Scott VanderHart

Revival Prep Conf held at Bible Baptist Temple

Revival Prep Conf held at Bible Baptist Temple 9436 Cost Ave, Stonewood, WV, United States

Saturday, Dec 7th - Sunday, December 8th | Revival Prep Conf held at Bible Baptist Temple | 9436 Cost Ave., Stonewood, WV 26301 | Nathan Barker & Chuck Madaus

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I write on the Spirit-filled Life (experiencing Jesus personally), revival and awakening (experiencing Jesus corporately), the Holy Spirit (the agent who manifests the life of Jesus), and faith (the access to the life of Jesus). In addition I may occasionally address related matters along with highlighting relevant resources.


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