God is moving again at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. The school has been blessed with revivals on a fairly regular basis since 1905, and the major revival that occurred in 1970 impacted at least 130 other campuses at the time. All of this revival history is recorded on their website.
Thankfully, the school’s students and faculty seek revival by responding to the Holy Spirit’s stirrings to pray and seek God’s reviving presence. Asbury has a faculty and administration that adjusts the schedule when the Spirit clearly moves, has a theology that welcomes revival, and has a heart to give God the glory for the great things He does.
The present moving of the Spirit is well documented in their electronic publication The Asbury Collegian. These are firsthand accounts. My sense is that this present move is a quiet but real moving of God.
Many are blessed by what is happening. Hundreds have poured in from other places. Yet, if you’re not there, it may be difficult to process all you might have read or seen on videos. Some wonder whether this revival is real. How can you know?
Often, we tend to focus on an incidental occurrence and then argue for or against based on that one particular issue. But revivals cannot be properly assessed with a focus on incidentals. Revivals must be assessed based on the tests of the Spirit delineated in 1 John 4 where essentials are highlighted and we are instructed to test the spirits to discern that which is from God.
A true work of the Holy Spirit:
- Produces a right view toward Jesus—which leads to overcoming Satan’s lies and, therefore, deals with sin (1 John 4:2-5)
- Produces a right view toward the Word of God—which is accompanied by conviction of truth by the Spirit of truth (1 John 4:6)
- Produces love for God and others—which leads one to act on that love (1 John 4:7ff)
Through reading articles and personal posts and watching numerous videos from those on site, the best I can tell, this move, in the main, passes these tests.
- There is much emphasis on Jesus—the person of Jesus. He is exalted. He is the focus! The young people are thrilled with Jesus! Glorious!
- There is much indication of dealing with sin—repentance, confession, apologies, forgiveness, healing of hearts, peace, and freedom.
- There is also much talk about love in action with testimonies of love being lived out.
In the main, this move clearly appears to pass the tests of the Spirit in 1 John 4. I rejoice! May this Spirit of revival continue to have His way!
This is not to say there might not be a later-developing aberration of sorts, especially given that many have been drawn to the school from the outside. Such occurrences have often happened during other revivals. So, knowing this, we must be careful not to write off the real if an aberration takes root, and we must not embrace any aberration alongside of the real work taking place. The stream of aberration does not negate the real stream and the real stream does not condone any aberrant stream.
Praise the Lord, the Wind of His Spirit is blowing again! People at the Asbury epicenter and, by now, people at other campuses are being blessed. May we all seek God’s reviving presence—even now.
John Van Gelderen
Post Author
Thank you Brother John – the sharing of Scripture and your perspective is very helpful and much appreciated! Have share with quite a few others! Pastor Thomas Alvis
Thank you, Thomas, I appreciate your encouraging words.
This passage was what came to my mind also. My wife and I have discussed this. Time will tell with some whether they have an emotional event or a spirit filled event. The latter verses of I John, as you stated, show that a love for God is born out in our love for others. We are commanded to go into the world and it is God’s love that constrains us to love Him and be His ambassadors.
Yes, genuine love in action proceeds from revival.
Just had a message from a pastor in the USA, who recently arrived there. I guess I had not heard of these before. I was in Bible College in the US in 1973 and do not remember any mention of this revival. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.Brother Crossman
Yes, there have been several revivals there.
Thanks for your thoughts, Earl.
Earl, I know great things are happening at Cedarville U.
It’s happening at Cedarville too!
It is what fundamentalism needs!
Also, if you see a button on the left side of your keyboard that is glowing green, that means push it.
Are you serious?
One of the worship leaders is from a Lexington church that believes in baptismal regeneration.
This isn’t a revival, this is a bunch of people getting emotional over CCM, like so many Independent Baptists do over the Gettys music (who attended the Grammys recently and didn’t walk out).
If this was true revival, they would be repenting of a lot of stuff, including listening and using CCM….and watching sexually graphic movies and TV in most mainstream media, and watching witchcraft and Buddhism (Star Wars,
Matthew 12:7 — But if ye had known what this meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltless.
Do you endorse CCM now?
That God blesses in the main does not necessarily mean He endorses all lesser doctrines or practices. Having said that, the music I have seen in snatches of videos has not been raucous, there are no lights, or smoke, etc. CCM is a huge term, meaning different things to different people.
So you now endorse the music at the revival as long as there is no lights, smoke?
There are also women preachers participating. Do you now endorse Female preachers?
I’m told by a friend that the woman who spoke is like an Amy Carmichael, who has an orphanage in India and testified to what God was doing. Also, although things changed in the latter part of the 20th century, in earlier time periods, orthodoxy allowed women to speak as long as they did not usurp the authority of a man. First Corinthians 11 allows for women to pray or speak in the assembly.
Theologian, could you name the worship leader who is from a baptismal regeneration church? Is the church, “Church of Christ”? Who and which church? That is a concern to me if true.
Micah Pace. He is a member of a church that believes in Baptismal and.
Micah Pace. Northeast Christian Church, Lexington. They believe in baptismal regeneration.
A group of non Christians believing a false gospel certainly can sing CCM, and get emotional. And repent over justice issues… Woke non Christians do that a lot…
This isn’t revival.
So, John. Couple of questions then as a practical matter. If this revival meets a biblical standard which you have pointed to, then what naturally flows from it and what has aided in its continuance must be non-hindering to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit or to HIs work. From what I have understood about this and how it has continued, worship music has played a key part in the revival continuing. Which means, that the form of music really does not matter or hinder revival. Since, that is the case here (there is a revival you have shown is… Read more »
Valid questions….
Thanks for your questions. The logic does not follow. God gave the tests He gave. He focused on essentials. That God blesses in the main does not necessitate He endorses every detail of lesser doctrine or practice.
Bro Jim noted in the article that the presence of a work of God does not simultaneously eliminate the possiblity of other kinds of works. There may be a work of the Spirit and a work of the flesh in the same place.
Where God works, we should not be surprised to see the counterfeiter trying to discredit it – and with his deceptive nature, we ought to expect him to do it by first joining, then redirecting any he can to take them away.
Are you saying non essentials aren’t important? That we should unify as long as its not part of the Essentials?
John, please allow me to ask, in my illogical manner, a couple of questions of you. In bringing to pass a biblical revival, does the Bible ever depict God using means or allowing means incompatible with His nature? If God is focused upon an essential of increased worship of Jesus, is He particular about how that increased worship comes about? If God is passionate about an essential of increased worship of Jesus by righteous revived hearts, and the expression of worship of Jesus flowing from righteous revived hearts is blessed of God, then how is worship music expressed… Read more »
The revivals in Judah often speak of seeking God and the blessing of God, “howbeit…” they still worshipped at the high places. God took them where they were at even though they did not have every detail in place. Jesus distinguished between the greatest commandments, the least commandments, and man’s traditions.
Thank you brother! I was hoping to hear your thoughts on this revival. How wonderful to see God moving in this way, God bless!
Thanks Jesse, it certainly is encouraging!
Thank you for this, Brother John! I have followed the happenings at Asbury for a couple of days. You properly point out that true revival has a right view of the word of God. (Romans 10:14-15; 2 Timothy 3:16). I am cautiously optimistic about what is happening at Asbury. But it does concern me that I have heard nothing about the preaching of the word of God. I believe that any true moving of the Holy Spirit will be accompanied by a high-profile preaching of God’s word. (But perhaps that is happening and I just have not heard about it.)
Thanks Steve, preaching of the Word is important. I guess it’s what reports you hear. I’ve gotten two reports today that highlighted the preaching.
I sat down to watch their chapel service, and was very disappointed at what I saw. Trying to be very unbiased, I just watched to see what it was about. There was no emphasis on the Word of God at all, and no proclaiming or explaining of God’s Word. It seemed to move from one emotional moment to the next. The music was very worldly and extremely emotional. Most of testimonies did not seem to make any sense, and I struggled at times to even understand their basic sentence structure/grammar. At one point, a young lady gave her testimony with… Read more »
You don’t think that revival can happen in the heart of a young lady wearing a mini skirt? Is revival happening in your church where, no doubt, everyone is dressed in their Sunday best?
No wonder young people are leaving the church in droves.
Some of the people in these comments are going to be very surprised when they get to heaven and they see that they weren’t the gatekeepers of who gets there after all.
Of course I believe that revival can happen in the heart of this young lady. I sure hope it does! Simply pointing out what I saw. My two teenage boys were in the room while I watched, and it was a bit awkward to have to tell them, “Don’t look at this,” as it concerned a revival of holiness and purity. True revival will make people sensitive to the moral compromise they have made with the world. Do you think the Spirit of God could speak to this young lady and let her know that her lack of modesty could… Read more »
A better discussion to have had with your boys is that Jesus had the solution to the problem if they struggle with lusting after a woman giving a testimony at church.
True revival will make your sons to look at this young lady as a person made in the image of God and rejoice with her in her testimony.
True revival will bring love for our neighbors, not fear, or distrust, or disgust.
We have talked a lot about that. Thanks for your concern for my boys. We actually went through a Purity Series together. It was really helpful to all of us. We do love lost people, and long for them to be saved and changed. In fact, most of our neighbors don’t where even half of their clothes on a daily basis, but God’s love has burned in our hearts to win them for His glory (We live in Uganda.) God bless you as you continue to encourage people about looking upon others with love and not condemnation. I also am… Read more »
I’m so thankful to hear God is working in Uganda. Truly. My heart is broken over the state of Christianity in America. I don’t want to open a whole can of worms about the shortcomings of American churches, so I’ll make my list concise : Wolves in leadership that hurt and abuse, and the rest of the congregation is either too scared or too invested to do anything about it. Nationalism has become an idol. Legalism-questioning the work of God in people’s lives because it doesn’t look like what people think it should. God has seen fit to put a… Read more »
Wow, praise God for the burden you have! I will stop to pray for your ministry today.
Thanks for your observation. Other services have had preaching. If God is working in modern settings, probably many who get spoken to may not “look right” but it rejoices my heart that they are responding.
Amen! Any time people respond the conviction of the Holy Spirit through the Word of God, it is a WIN for everyone.
Thanks for the commentary on the revival- often we who are from our particular background tend to dismiss things without examine them. In Athens , Georgia a revival appeared in Crooked Creek Baptist Church- confession of sin was the biggest evidence the validated the moving of God- that and the fact that we had three hour services- which in Baptist churches I have pastored is very unheard of.
Tony Abbott BJU grad 82 and 85
Thanks Antone! Yes, I’m aware of the revival that took place at Crooked Creek some years back. BTW, I’m in a meeting there this very week.
Very encouraging. Mark 9:40 “For he that is not against us is on our part.” Thanks sharing.
I found out about the Asbury College revival on national news last night and have been following it since. I’m finding several news articles and broad casts, and is drawing attention internationally over social media. This is amazing! When have we seen this in our lifetime? True Believers, seekers, skeptics and critics are taking notice. Praise God the name of Jesus is being made known! As I continue to follow this, and several other such gathering on college campuses, it appears to meet the test of a scriptural revival: confession of sin, prayer, preaching, humility, praise, testimony of deliverance and… Read more »
Just saw your post- would be interesting to see what the long term results of that revival
You can’t separate the music from the so called revival. You are endorsing the music if you endorse the “revival.”
Theologian, I posted this above, but in case you did not see it…”Theologian, could you name the worship leader who is from a baptismal regeneration church? Is the church, “Church of Christ”? Who and which church? That is a concern to me if true.”
Micah Pace. Northeast Christian Church, Lexington. They believe in baptismal regeneration.
A group of non Christians believing a false gospel certainly can sing CCM, and get emotional. And repent over justice issues… Woke non Christians do that a lot…
This isn’t revival. It’s hype.
I would be curious if one would be able to rightly endorse everything that has happened in every revival in human history. Even in the Old Testament times of revival, not every time did it proceed as far as it needed to. But it was still revival, and calling it such was not an endorsement of practices that still needed attention. In some cases the high places remained, yet God blessed. In other cases certain feasts had not observed, yet God poured out His Spirit. In fact, many revivals depicted in the Bible (and in history) began as God dealt… Read more »
Very well stated.
Thank you John. I remember you from our time in school. Blessings to you and yours. Praying for a work of God as He strengthens His church and brings others into her. May God anoint each of us as we prepare and preach His message each Lord’s Day.
Thanks Steve, great to hear from you! May the Lord bless even this Lord’s Day!
Thank you, Brother John, for writing on this event as it unfolds. There are so many voices in the world who are ready to either accept blindly what is labeled revival or to reject any movement that might not look exactly as they think it should. I appreciate the specifics you provided concerning how to try the spirits. Your point about separating the real from the aberration/counterfeit I believe is extremely important. God’s Spirit is obviously on the move, but just as so many revivals in days past the devil often generates a parallel movement. And though the counterfeit cannot… Read more »
Amen! Well said!
I am surprised to hear you give such an open approval of such an extreme statement! Isn’t it usually best for the moderator of a blog site to be a little more unbiased and balanced?
In reading this section (and what follows) of the thread, it appears you are misunderstanding what Joe is saying, and then rebuking the misrepresentation. What I understand Joe to be saying is that if you do not distinguish between the good stream of a movement from an aberration or perceived aberration, and you criticize the whole based on a part, then you may be unwittingly criticizing a true work of God. The point being made is not to accuse anyone of the unpardonable sin, but to encourage discernment between what’s happening in the main versus some particular part.
Sure, I can see what you’re saying. I know I’m just as capable as misreading something as anyone else. Just probably not wise in a context of warning those within the blog who are critiquing this movement to invoke the warning of being like those who commit the unpardonable sin. Some people will read that as a warning to them concerning their critique. I didn’t read a single person criticize true repentance or true “rebible” as H.A. Ironside called it. The criticisms were aimed at things that are not in line with true Biblical separation and purity (music, lack of… Read more »
PDP, I forgive you. Thank you for praying for me.
Thanks PDP.
The issue is not more strict or less strict. Revival is not earned either way. Either side can be proud and God resists the proud. Either side can humble themselves and God gives grace to the humble.
I would be very careful of elevating any movement above the need for discernment and criticism. A work that is of God will not be destroyed by the criticism of men. Your words suggest that people who have concerns would be best to keep silent. Your charge of committing the unpardonable sin in doing so seems a bit of a stretch and a fear tactic that is often used by the political left to silence opposition. Words and warnings should be given carefully if they’re expected to be taken seriously.
You’re right PDP, no movement (or misunderstood comment) is above the reach of discernment or criticism. Nor can criticism destroy the work of God. We are to try the spirits whether they be of God. My point above was expressing exactly that sentiment. And in our discernment and criticism we must be careful to separate the real from the counterfeit if/when they are happening simultaneously. For if we criticize the real out of fear of the counterfeit, then we have put ourselves at odds with the work of God, and we limit His work through our unbelief. It is not… Read more »
You have not walked back your accusation a bit in accusing those who have critiqued the revival of committing the unpardonable sin. I am finding it hard to continue this until you do. Please don’t overstep the incredible carelessness of what you said.
I never accused anyone who critiqued this movement. If you read carefully, you will see my comments were related to revival movements in general that there is often a counterfeit that runs parallel to the genuine move of the Spirit. I said we must be careful not to criticize a real move of the Spirit in our zeal against any counterfeit that may also be present, thus lumping the real in with the counterfeit and dismissing what God actually accomplished in the process.
Then what could you possibly have meant when you said, “But is that the nature of criticism that has been taking place in the comment section? Or is it primarily criticism and accusation about certain associations, speculations, and hearsay and whether or not God can actually do a work in the midst of such associations?” Did you not just accuse people “in the comment section” of criticizing this movement? How can you possibly say that “I never accused anyone who critiqued this movement.” You know, my good old dad had a great saying for me when I started to do… Read more »
PDP, it would truly be great to have a meaningful conversation about these things. Maybe if we meet in person some day we could talk about it, and we could both get a better understanding of each other and clear up any confusion. It is clear that this comment board is not the space for that. Have a great day, and I wish you well.
Thanks Joe. I do hope that you are enabled by the Spirit to face a very real problem you have. I am sure that you love the Lord deeply, and have a passion for revival, but there is also in you a stubbornness in admitting wrong when it is pointed out. I don’t know if it’s self-deception, that you simply want to see what you want to see, or if you have a habit of saying extreme things that you don’t really mean in your heart of hearts.
Your quote: “For when we criticize a true work of the Holy Ghost we become like those who accused Jesus of accomplishing His work by the power of the devil.” In this statement, you are clearly accusing people in this forum of committing the unpardonable sin. If I were one of those included in this accusation, should I take you seriously? Are you just shooting out words as they come to your mind? Are there people in real jeopardy of committing the unpardonable sin?
You have taken my words out of context. Now I remember why I don’t normally comment on posts.
I have not taken your words out of context. Can you just admit that it was unwise to suggest that those in the comment section of this blog would be guilty of attributing the work of Jesus to devils. This is the quote sir: “For when we criticize a true work of the Holy Ghost we become like those who accused Jesus of accomplishing His work by the power of the devil.” Any theologian will tell you that that describes the unpardonable sin. Did you not say that those who were criticizing what you believe to be a true work… Read more »
You quoted me, and then in the same breath you misquoted me. I did not say that anyone who criticized what I believe to be a true work of the Holy Ghost were doing that. I referred only to any true work of the Holy Ghost, not merely what I believe to be one or not. Have a great day.
In life, you will find that most people get exactly what you are saying, even when you’re being coy about it.
Here is something to consider: Which would you prefer? An imperfect revival where college kids are broken and weeping over their sin and sometimes failing in their expressions of worshiping a holy God, or a Grammy award show where a they are openly worshiping Satan? Throughout history imperfect revivals in which our perfect God grabbed ahold of imperfect people have stemmed the tide of debauchery in the nation, and throughout the world!. Never forget that! If we waited around for the “perfect revival” before thanking the Lord for his work we would never praise him! Transformation is a process. No… Read more »
Thanks for your heart for revival!
Independent, fundamental, separatist, militant Baptists today would not agree with the First Great Awakening in America which was before the Revolution. Nor would I. Crazy things happened in those meetings. But it birthed a Constitution and Government and people that God used to proclaim the gospel to all the world. Many of these revivalists in Kentucky now have a “zeal of God” and their “knowledge” may come later as they study the Scriptures. I have a friend who was saved in a wild charismatic revival meeting who became a Bible preaching fundamental preacher. Let’s wait and see on which type… Read more »
This seems to be the advice of Gamaliel in Acts 5: Then stood there up one in the council, a Pharisee, named Gamaliel, a doctor of the law, had in reputation among all the people, and commanded to put the apostles forth a little space; And said unto them, Ye men of Israel, take heed to yourselves what ye intend to do as touching these men. For before these days rose up Theudas, boasting himself to be somebody; to whom a number of men, about four hundred, joined themselves: who was slain; and all, as many as obeyed him, were scattered, and… Read more »
I read some articles from Asbury University that define there position on homosexuality. Here is the direct quote given by their faculty: Dr. Chris Bounds, Professor of Christian Studies Philosophy at Asbury. “There is nothing prohibiting an LGBT student from being on campus … but they cannot act on their sexuality, and there is a need for some level of conformity to their biological sex.” In the fall of 2016, Dr. Sarah Baldwin addressed the freshman class to introduce campus policies, community life standards and sources of support for students. Baldwin clearly defined that Asbury had zero tolerance for discriminating… Read more »
2 Chronicles 7:14 NKJV
if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
I think that this is what’s going on at Asbury and we need to pray that it would reach the lives of all beleavers. Oh how America needs healing.
Coped from TGC Weekley Magan Hill Children and young people are not incidental to the history of revival. In the 1740s in Cambuslang, Scotland, a period of revival included dozens of praying children. At one school, children as young as 8 years old organized prayer meetings three times a day. At another, students regularly stayed for prayer meetings after classes were dismissed and then had to walk long distances home in the dark. People in the town reported children gathering for prayer in barns and outhouses whenever they had opportunity. When I read these accounts, I wonder if we expect… Read more »
Yes, children, teens, and college age have often been highly involved in revival seasons. This is stirring.
I wanted to throw out one final thought. Obviously, I cannot be the judge of the Asbury meetings, because I simply wasn’t there, and can only go on what I saw online. To questions: what is the New Testament emphasis on: 1. teaching concerning seeking out a local manifestation of Jesus. 2. God’s primary work of glorifying Himself through the local church or para-church organizations. These are two long term concerns I have. I guess I’m not really focusing so much on the actual events of the two weeks, but on the broader scope. I have no doubt that Billy Graham’s… Read more »
Q1: James 4:8 Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you. The outpouring of the Spirit which manifests the presence of Jesus (Acts 2, 10). Psalm 105:4 — Seek the LORD, and his strength: seek his face [presence] evermore [continually].
Q2: In the Second Great Awakening, mutiple colleges experienced mutiple revivals besides the camp meetings. Apparently, God is pleased to bless saints seeking Him in any setting.
Thank you for responding. The answers you gave were helpful. I do believe James 4 is talking about revival, but don’t find the emphasis on seeking out localized manifestations of Jesus. The Old Testament saints were aware of God’s manifest presence in the temple, and understood this very well. They did often “long for the courts of the Lord” when they were away. But in the NT, every believer is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and the emphasis of the I Corinthians passages on being the temple of the Holy Spirit is to the local church. (“Know ye not… Read more »
Acts 2:17 — And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: Ezekiel 29:39 defines the outpouring as God no longer hiding His presence, that is manifesting His presence. The outpouring is for “the last days” which we are still in. I have already stated the matter of dual streams several times. Being blessed by that which passes 1 John 4 does not condone obvious… Read more »
In dealing with this, I am trying to de-emotionalize it, and avoid speaking about “orthodox brethren” in a bothersome way. I do believe this issue is very important and must be looked at in light of Scripture. Of course you know that I John 4 is not the only test to be passed as it concerns revival. Consider Ephesians 5: But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the… Read more »
In the last two days, two articles have appeared on a major media outlet, both highlighting the pressure churches and Christian schools are facing to affirm the LGBT identity, even if they don’t agree with the actual practice of the lifestyle. It’s a very interesting development. Here is one quote: “When we first started sending our kids to the school, that’s really what we had been raised to believe (that LGBT was sin in God’s sight) was the right way,” she says. “But over the past few years, I haven’t felt comfortable with that. And so, when we started publicly… Read more »
Thanks for your input. I know all involved desire what is right. May the Lord continue to bless your ministry in Uganda!
John, I have not followed the Asbury revival a great deal, but I have followed a pastor I know of and his wife that attended for several days and then went home to his home church. From his report when he returned home, the church started three days of fasting and prayer. Since that time, he reports God working in an unusual way and extended meetings. I believe the most important thing for me to do is seek personal revival in my heart and soul and family.
Brother Crossman