Current Events

Heal Us, Lord

Heal Us, Lord

Heal Us, Lord! Heal our hearts, O Lord, Heal our hearts we pray; Grant reviving balm, Heal our hearts today. Heal our minds, O Lord, Heal our minds we pray; Grant renewing truth, Heal our minds today. Heal our church, O Lord, Heal our church we pray; Grant restoring...

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The Ultimate Antisemite

The Ultimate Antisemite

God loves all people (the world) so much that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). According to His plan for the nations, God chose one, the nation of Israel, to be a light for all. Ultimately, light...

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Turn Us, O Lord!

Turn Us, O Lord!

The weeping prophet, Jeremiah, laments over the idolatrous sin of Judah which brought God's just judgment. The book of Lamentations is deeply heartbreaking as it describes the destruction and desperate condition of God's people. Yet, in the midst of these laments,...

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The Cure for Racism

The Cure for Racism

Technically, there is only one race—the human race. Practically, what we call races are ethnic or people groups, and the human race is filled with multiple ethnic groups with language variations, different customs and unique cultures. In my travels to many other...

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Providence and Charles Wesco

Providence and Charles Wesco

Psalm 37:23, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD.” God is never taken by surprise. Acts 12 records that in the days of the early church, Herod Agrippa sought to bolster his standing as Rome’s king over Judaea and took action against two of the apostles....

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Three Reasons to Vote

Three Reasons to Vote

As the mid-term elections approach, we would do well to consider good reasons to vote. Among many such reasons please consider the following: 1. You can vote. If you’re a U.S. citizen of voting age, you can vote. Not every person in our world today is so privileged....

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America in a Crisis of Integrity

America in a Crisis of Integrity

Our country is in dire need. We are a nation that has sought to uphold justice. “Innocent until proven guilty” has been our mode of operation, but today, our historic pattern as well as due process of law are being threatened. The tactic of the Inquisition, presuming...

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The North Korean Potential

The North Korean Potential

“Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.” Hebrews 13:3 A number of years ago when the Lord stirred me with the need to obey this admonition, I began to subscribe to Voice of the...

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Guns and Sanctification

Guns and Sanctification

The recent tragedy of the shooting in Florida reminds us once again of man’s depravity and his need for salvation through Jesus Christ to receive a changed heart. The wake of this egregious crime certainly has spurred debate about guns, but common sense recognizes the...

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Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

In 1987, while on a trip to the Bible Lands, a Christian Arab friend said in earnest, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” Of course, this is a quotation from Psalm 122:6, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.” This reminder from my friend...

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9/11: The Call for Divine Aid

9/11: The Call for Divine Aid

9/11 is both a date to reflect on a national crisis as well as an emergency number to remind us to call on God in times of crisis. Since September 11, 2001, intercession for our nation and especially for another great awakening has definitely increased. In fact,...

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North Korea: Revival Turf

North Korea: Revival Turf

The early twentieth century saw seasons of refreshing from the presence of the Lord all around the world. From 1901 to 1913 at least 57 nations experienced the reviving and awakening presence of God. Perhaps most notable was the Welsh revival of 1904-1905. But many...

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Walking on the Storm

Walking on the Storm

The country is focused on the incredible damage being inflicted on southeastern Texas right now by Hurricane Harvey—and rightly so. A Category 4 hurricane with winds of 130 miles per hour, Harvey has brought unprecedented and catastrophic flooding. This is a powerful...

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I write on the Spirit-filled Life (experiencing Jesus personally), revival and awakening (experiencing Jesus corporately), the Holy Spirit (the agent who manifests the life of Jesus), and faith (the access to the life of Jesus). In addition I may occasionally address related matters along with highlighting relevant resources.


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