Bundle & Save this Summer.


What Is on Your Reading List?

You have likely heard the quote “readers are leaders, and leaders are readers.” What will you and your family be reading this summer? We would love to suggest three books, Repentance and Faith, Assurance of Salvation, and the Liberating Life of Jesus. You could read one that you think would be beneficial and give the other two away as gifts to someone in your life to whom it might be a blessing. We will all be spending our team reading this summer, but why not read some biblically based materials that will strengthen our walk with Christ and bring us closer to Him by the end of the summer?

View 3 Books Bundle

View the Individual Books:

Repentance & Faith

Assurance of Salvation

The Liberating Life of Jesus


Who Will You Witness to this Summer?

Many of us will be traveling this summer in one form or another and even while we are not traveling we will come across new folks in our home towns. Are you ready to share the gospel? Will you be looking for opportunities to minister to people around you? Do you have gospel tracts to leave with folks who may not have time for a long conversation? If you need resources and do not know where to start, we recommend starting with our three-tract pack to give you three different tracts to give you options in any witnessing scenario. They include our most popular tracts and will give you the resources you need to present the gospel.

View the 3 Tract Bundle

If your church would like to order a large quantity for your congregation to have access to or if you would like to customize the back of the tracts with your church’s information we have several options available to help you with this. Visit our store or contact us and we will point you in the right direction.


John Van Gelderen

John Van Gelderen

Post Author