Years ago, I went through a time when my relationship with Jesus seemed anything but close. I had been saved for quite some time and was actively serving in full-time ministry, but still, I did not sense a closeness with the Lord. In the providence of God, I began a study on the Holy Spirit. For months, from Genesis to Revelation, I noted and meditated on every passage which cited the Spirit. Ironically, as I studied the Holy Spirit, the Son rose in my heart. Jesus became far more real to me than ever before because the Spirit testifies of and glorifies the Son—Jesus.
Much of the blessing from that study is presented in Friendship with the Holy Spirit: The Revival Relationship. This title is available in a new easy-to-carry paperback edition from and as an e-book from Amazon. If you prefer an audiobook, my cousin, Mike Barnett, speaks with clarity and understanding on the Audible version.
Like the 2014 edition, this edition of Friendship with the Holy Spirit includes the chapter “A Spiritual Guide” that provides biblical principles to discern between the Holy Spirit and one’s own strong desire. It also helps with understanding the difference between the Holy Spirit and evil spirits urging counterfeit guidance. The book offers several individual and corporate accounts that demonstrate the powerful transformation the Holy Spirit brings when He is honored as God, treated as a person, yielded to as Lord, and trusted as life.

John Van Gelderen
Post Author