
Lately I have been seeing posts on social media regarding the “treatment” of women in especially Independent Baptist Churches.   In your estimation, have you experienced or seen the treatment of women as anything but Biblical in these settings?  What is the role of women in Scripture?


Quite an interesting question. I’m not sure if I’m aware of what you are referring to in Independent Baptist Churches or not. There have been churches that have so emphasized wives submitting to their husbands that it has allowed for psychological abuse, and, in some cases, worse. This has been totally contrary to true Spirit-filled living. Yet other churches are quite healthy.

In the spiritual realm, women and men are equal. Galatians 3:28 says, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” In Christ, there is neither male or female. 

In the realm of the family, the Bible lays out a plan of headship. As Christ is the head of the church, so the husband is the head of the wife (Eph. 5). Headship is a matter of leadership and final decisions. It does not imply that the wife is in any way inferior, or that she cannot have valued input. In fact, as the helpmeet suitable for the man, a wife brings to the table what men often cannot see on their own. Husbands would be wise to factor their wives input into the equation. Submission is simply the right response to organizational headship.

In the realm of the church gathering, women can have much involvement (1 Cor. 11). They are not to usurp the authority of a man, and since the pastor is to be the husband of one wife, women are not pastors (1Tim. 3). In times of persecution women have had to be involved pastorally in settings where the men have been forced to work seven days a week. This is the exception, not the rule. God used Deborah in the times of the judges when a man was not available

Much more could be said, but this provides a basic framework. Christianity has always elevated the place of women from a role of servitude. 

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