Well do I remember being a bit frightened by the concept of “spiritual warfare” and then having my faith bolstered by the truth of the authority of the believer who accesses Christ’s authority.
Some years ago, after preaching a series on the Spirit-filled life, an older retired pastor handed me a set of DVDs. He said that because I preached what I preached he thought I would be blessed by them. They were Otto Koning dealing with spiritual warfare. At that time, I had read and studied a fair amount on the subject. But when I listened to Koning unfold the subject with so many real-life experiences, many dots were connected in a life-changing way. The presentation was outstanding! I benefitted greatly from the truth I learned. Koning rightly kept the focus on Jesus, not the enemy.
Year’s later I asked Otto Koning to speak at our first Christ Life Clinic held in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 2015. We gave him three sessions to speak, each being about an hour and fifteen minutes in length, so he could thoroughly address this vital subject. Afterwards he commented this was his most thorough treatment ever given on spiritual warfare.
The series includes The Snake Story, The Authority of the Believer, and Teaching Our Authority to Others. Revival Focus has made this series available for download. Also included is The Pineapple Story and Surrendering Rights from the Sunday before the conference preached at Ann Arbor Baptist Church.
Many who enter the Spirit-filled life in earnest are both thrilled at their newfound victory in Jesus and baffled at the new attacks in the spiritual realm, because in that realm there are spirits. Otto Koning addresses this dilemma showing the amazing provision of the authority believers have in Christ over the enemy. This 3-part series done by Otto Koning in his inimitable style will bolster your faith in God and equip you with biblical truth to face the enemy’s attacks.
John Van Gelderen
Post Author
Thank you for writing about the enemies tactics. I have experienced this and still struggle not recognizing the onslaught until after the fact often times. I want to learn to resist and claim my position in Christ. Thank you for your teachings!