An Encounter With Jesus


Though our society in general has grown less familiar with the good news of salvation, a short gospel book coupled with a seeking heart can still make a difference. The Bible tells us in 1 John 5:13 that we can “know” that we have eternal life. An Encounter with Jesus tells us how that can be.

This gospel presentation (previously published in booklet form as A Confrontation with Truth) looks at three critical truths that must be understood and accepted and an important decision that each of us must make. The change to a book format has allowed for a revised and expanded text plus graphics that thoroughly and clearly present the truth of eternal life in Christ. The focus of the book is the Savior, and the truths that are covered lead to Him. When you truly encounter Jesus Christ, you can know without a doubt that you have eternal life.

64 Page Booklet.

Bulk order pricing available for quantities of 25 or more. Contact us to order more than 100.

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I write on the Spirit-filled Life (experiencing Jesus personally), revival and awakening (experiencing Jesus corporately), the Holy Spirit (the agent who manifests the life of Jesus), and faith (the access to the life of Jesus). In addition I may occasionally address related matters along with highlighting relevant resources.


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