If a child is doubting their salvation where is the best place to start in the Bible so there is no confusion?
Hello Kelli,
Thank you for your question! Jesus spoke of having faith like a child. We often call this “childlike faith.” A child simply believes in Jesus based on simple salvation truth.
The key to faith is the object of faith. God is the object of faith based on His Word. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the specific word of God (Rom. 10:17). Doubt comes when someone switches their focus from the object of faith to the subject of faith (themselves). Therefore assurance comes through refocusing back on the sure Word of God.
Any simple salvation verse would be appropriate. John 3:16, 6:47; Romans 10:13; Acts 10:31 are all be clear salvation promises. The key is encouraging the child to just rest in God’s sure Word.
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