So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17).
Often, when this verse is cited, we think of it as faith comes by reading and reading by the word of God. But it does not say reading, it says hearing. What is the significance?
True, prior to the printing press, most people did not have their own copy of the Scripture. Therefore, they “heard” the Word of God when it was quoted or preached. But is that the only significance?
Jesus said the Holy Spirit guides us into all truth and that He speaks (John 16:13). It seems the greater significance is when the Holy Spirit speaks truth to your heart. When the Spirit of truth speaks the Word of truth to our hearts, faith is nurtured.
Many writers from former generations often emphasized the Word and the Spirit. This comprehensive understanding makes Romans 10:17 come alive. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
As you hear preaching or read your Bible, the Spirit speaks the truth He knows you need. This opens the way for faith. Without this divine initiation we end up with wishful thinking in the name of faith. But with this divine initiation genuine faith can respond. When faith responds to God, God responds to faith.

John Van Gelderen
Post Author
Hi John,
I like that last statement.
”When faith responds to God, God responds to faith.” That is true “hearing” is it not?
Have a good day walking in the presence of the Lord my friend!
Thanks Joel!
Good insightful message, these things we’ve heard so many times but the truth as you stated, when the Holy Spirit wants us to understand then we are enlightened to the depth of His truth.
And I love this your said “ Without this divine initiation we end up with wishful thinking in the name of faith”. This is so true we can often times do this in our day to day.
Good word brother!
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