The spring blossoms with the signs of new life. Tree buds appear and so do people who have spent the winter largely indoors. Dormant lawns awaken and beg for attention while hopeful gardeners plant and tend to seedlings. Spring is a great time to plant and witness new life taking root, and spring offers us another opportunity to offer people new life in Christ. Clear Gospel tracts can make the task so much easier, and Revival Focus has these options in stock:

Good News

This full color, tri-fold tract condenses the Netcasters™ Gospel presentation and provides a succinct yet clear articulation of the good news of Jesus Christ. The “blank” version (available in packs of 100) includes a space cleared on the back panel for addition of a church label/stamp or handwritten notes. Custom printed and Spanish language versions of Good News are also available.


The gospel presentation from Netcasters™ is accented with many graphics in a small, colorful booklet. The unique format of How? allows a soulwinner to employ a flip-chart presentation of the Gospel. How? is available in packs of 25.

An Encounter with Jesus: Discovering the Truth of Eternal Life

Thinking of someone who would benefit from an expanded text? This 64-page book is the full Gospel presentation taught in Netcasters™. The book incorporates graphics and a beautiful layout that supplies excellent clarity and eye appeal. Copies of An Encounter with Jesus are sold as individual units with discounts available on orders of 25 or more.

The Gate to Eternal Life

This colorful, four-panel tract offers a clear presentation of the Gospel based on the wide and narrow gates of Matthew 7:13-14. The Gate to Eternal Life is available in packs of 100.

More Than a Tip

Designed with restaurant servers in mind, this full color tri-fold tract presents Christ as the one who came to minister salvation. Most patrons will leave a tip, but you can leave more. More Than a Tip is available in packs of 100 or 500.

Salvation Focus Cards

These small cards (available in packs of 50) provide a QR code landing people on, a website with audio, video, and written Gospel presentations by John R. Van Gelderen.

All these helps are available through the Revival Focus webstore.

John Van Gelderen

John Van Gelderen

Post Author