Should we stretch more before holiday gatherings? Handing out gifts, passing dishes at dinner, even reaching for more potatoes can be a little bit strenuous. Though it requires some effort, it makes for good training and muscle memory. And now, you can put your mastery of holiday routines to good use.
Handing out tracts, passing on the good news of salvation, reaching the lost for Christ; this is an effort we can all engage in—but what if that person you run across doesn’t speak English. I don’t speak Spanish. Now what?
Prepare yourself today for that eventual meeting. The Revival Focus Good News tract is available in Spanish.
Passing on a Spanish-language gospel tract could make all the difference for someone whose English skills are lacking. Help to bring that one to the Savior of all. Think about it: a great addition to a future holiday gathering would be a new sister or brother in Christ. And asking in one language or another to pass the potatoes shouldn’t prove problematic.
Order tracts in multiples of 100 from the Revival Focus webstore. Churches can also order custom-printed Spanish editions of Good News in quantities of 1000, 2500, or 5,000. For larger custom orders, please contact us and we can accommodate it for you.
John Van Gelderen
Post Author