With Christmas just around the corner, consider books and music from Revival Focus Ministries.

Books from Revival Focus

Experiencing Jesus

A study of the joint provision of God’s nature implanted in you (the real you) and God’s Spirit indwelling you (the real leader)

The Liberating Life of Jesus

A study of the dangers of both a legalistic approach and a relativistic approach to Christianity with their hybrids and the importance of focusing on the freeing life of Jesus

Repentance and Faith: Two Sides to One Decision

A study of two emphases with one essence that guards against the dangers of both an acknowledgment-only decision and Lordship salvation that confuses the process of discipleship with becoming a disciple

The Revived Life

A thorough progression of truth on what it means to be filled with the Spirit and know it

The Faith Response

A study of what faith is and how faith operates detailing the appropriate steps of faith in claiming facts and obtaining promises

Friendship with the Spirit: The Revival Relationship

A study of the personal relationship privileges with the Holy Spirit including discerning the Spirit’s guidance

The Wind of the Spirit in Personal and Corporate Revival

An introduction to the ministry of the Holy Spirit addressing the inheritance of the Spirit, the filling of the Spirit, and the outpouring of the Spirit

The Revival Journey

A study of the phases involved in the corporate seasons of refreshing from the presence of the Lord


MUSIC (available from GentlePraise.com)

Christ Lives in Me

Vocal solo with full orchestration featuring revival truth for the heart by Mary Lynn Van Gelderen

The Presence of the Lord

Vocal solo with meditative instrumentation featuring prayers for revival in song by Mary Lynn Van Gelderen

What a Savior, What a Friend

Solo piano arranged and played by Mary Lynn Van Gelderen featuring well known hymns and gospel songs

John Van Gelderen

John Van Gelderen

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