“But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace to the humble.” James 4:6
Grace is Spirit-enabling. Pride hinders us from experiencing grace. How then do we access grace? The text plainly states, “God…giveth grace to the humble.” Who are the “humble”? The next phrase says, “Submit yourselves therefore to God.” A parallel passage says, “humble…Casting all your care upon him” (1 Pet. 5:5-7). This implies three thoughts.
I Need
The first “step” toward accessing grace is acknowledging you need it. God gives mega grace because we need mega grace. But we must truly understand our deep need. Human ability cannot accomplish anything in the spiritual realm. We need Spirit-enablement for this. Spiritual victory demands spiritual energy. When we comprehend God’s will for our lives, we must “submit” to that will. But in order to do so, we need Spirit-enablement—grace. It is realizing, “I can’t, but God can!”
When my son first started speaking in full sentences, his most frequent sentence was, “I need help!” This is where we must start in order to access grace.
I Take
Remember the moment of grace is now. The text literally emphasizes this by using the present tense, “he is giving mega grace” and “God…is giving grace to the humble.” Since God is giving grace, we must be taking grace. You really do not need to ask God to give grace. To do so reveals unbelief that He is presently giving it. Since God is giving grace as a matter of actual fact, you simply need to reach out, as it were, and take it. Then say, “Thank you,” because it is that real. Thanking reveals belief that you have received. If you do not take grace, then you miss out on what God is giving.
This issue highlights the difference between a fact and a promise. A fact is a present reality. A promise is a future potentiality. Often the first faith-step to obtaining a promise is asking—because the substance of the request “is not” (not yet). However, a fact already is. Therefore, the first faith-step to claiming a fact is taking what God is providing.
I Act
The purpose of taking grace is to be enabled to then act on it. It is trusting (taking) to obey (acting). Suppose you are in a trying circumstance and are tempted to impatience. Take grace by simply transacting in your heart, “Thank you, Lord, for Your patience.” This is not merely a mantra of words, but a transaction of faith in your heart. Immediately, as you respond in faith with a patient response, you are enabled by the Holy Spirit to real patience. Literally, you experience the patience of Christ in you. This is mega grace!
Or suppose you see an advertisement that tempts you to impure thinking. Simply thank the Lord for His purity (taking grace) and then look the other way. The Spirit will enable you to actually look the other way (acting with grace) and be free from what you saw as if you had never seen it. This is not striving in the strength of the flesh (self-dependent acting). This is accessing grace (God-dependent, Spirit-enabled acting). Again this is experiencing Christ living His victorious life in you. This is mega grace!
The key in all of this is valuing your relationship with God. It is then you will want to take the appropriate steps of faith to access grace. If you focus on the formula of faith-steps, you may not want to take grace in the moment of need. But if you focus on Jesus, then you will be glad to take grace to further experience Jesus.
John Van Gelderen
Post Author
About This Blog
Hello, I’m John Van Gelderen. I am an evangelist and the president of Revival Focus Ministries, an organization for the cause of revival in hearts, homes, churches, and beyond, and for evangelizing. This blog is focused on experiencing Jesus. I believe in order to really live, you must access and experience the very life of Jesus Christ.