Wind of the Spirit


Jesus likened the Holy Spirit to the wind. The analogy originated in the divine mind. God commanded the prophet Ezekiel to pray to the Spirit and cry out, “Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live” (Ezekiel 37:9,14).
In The Wind of the Spirit, John Van Gelderen highlights biblical truth that can ignite faith for those who feel the need for the breath of life and desire to know the supernatural lift through the wind of the Spirit, and for those who long for the mighty wind of God in a corporate season of refreshing.

Additional Info

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Weight 4 oz
Dimensions 6.25 × 4.25 × .25 in

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I write on the Spirit-filled Life (experiencing Jesus personally), revival and awakening (experiencing Jesus corporately), the Holy Spirit (the agent who manifests the life of Jesus), and faith (the access to the life of Jesus). In addition I may occasionally address related matters along with highlighting relevant resources.


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