If I see a defect in my character (an area of frequent failure), does that mean I need more faith? What is your advice on how to grow faith? It seems “trying harder to have more faith” can also become a work of the “self.”
Thank you,
Hello Irene,
Great question! I’m sure many wonder the same.
Focusing on having more faith leads to flesh-dependence—the opposite of faith. Whatever you focus on, you depend on. Therefore we must focus on Jesus, not only as Savior, but as Sanctifier.
“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith” (Heb. 12:2). Here in this scriptural statement, we see how focus leads to dependence. Looking unto Jesus (right focus), the author of faith (right dependence). As we look at the living Word through the living words, the Spirit convinces us of specific truth. Faith comes by…the word (rhema/specific truth) of God (Rom. 10:17). When the Spirit convinces you of truth, He is “authoring” faith. When you’re convinced, the faith-response is the natural response.
However, new habits of faith take time. Just as we acquired bad habits over time through wrong choices, we can acquire good habits over time through faith choices. Faith accesses grace based on the specific word/truth of God. As the habit of faith on a given matter is applied, the habit of grace is experienced.
Faith is not a work; it simply rests on the worker—Jesus. Jesus indwells you by His Spirit. Christ lives in you by faith (Gal. 2:20). His life is victorious. Our responsibility is to trust Him for the enabling to obey. We take Him as our provision and act on that reality. As we access Jesus, we experience the fruit of the Spirit of Jesus, who counteracts and overcomes the issue we’re facing. Through faith our weakness becomes the opportunity for Christ’s strength.
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Thanks for your insightful wisdom on these timely subjects and questions. I thank God for you.
Thank you for the very clear and helpful answer to my question.