With the Christmas season upon us, our thoughts often turn to loved ones, wish lists, gift wrapping, and stocking stuffers. This year, would you consider giving gifts that God can use to change lives?
These books are small in size; at 4½ inches wide, they would fit in most oversized decorative stockings. Yet, the truth contained in each volume is outsized and has true potential to change lives for the glory of God.
Experiencing Jesus
Discover and experience for yourself the reality of the Christ Life!
Friendship with the Holy Spirit
Explore the revival relationship, your personal relationship with the Spirit of Christ.
The Liberating Life of Jesus
Look into true liberty and you will find it in the life of Christ.
Repentance and Faith: Two Sides to One Decision
Understand Jesus’ gospel message and avoid the twin traps of easy-believism and lordship salvation.
Assurance of Salvation
Settle the matter and erase all doubt so that you “might have life, and…have it more abundantly.”
These titles are in stock and available from the Revival Focus webstore. Alternatively, the books are also available from Amazon.com.
John Van Gelderen
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