Have you ever assessed your life in Christ and wondered whether there is more to be had this side of heaven? Do you regularly try to make good decisions on your own? Are you attempting to live the Christian life in your own strength? If your attempts have fallen flat and those well-intended decisions didn’t exactly prove to be the best moves, you may find yourself thinking you’ve missed something. Perhaps you’re already convinced that there must be more—but just what is that missing piece? And how can you find it?
Well, thankfully, there is more. There is one, a person, who offers all that you need. He serves as a personal guide and also empowers believers.
It’s time to get to know the Holy Spirit.
The Wind of the Spirit is an introduction to the powerful ministry of the Holy Spirit. The early chapters highlight the indwelling of the Spirit, the inheritance of the Spirit you received at salvation and the amazing potential this holds. Continuing with the filling of the Spirit, a large portion of the book unfolds the Spirit-filled life in personal revival available to every believer. Finishing with the outpouring of the Spirit, the book concludes with a look at corporate revival and historical examples of God’s greater works.
The Wind of the Spirit, a second edition of the book first published in 2003, can be ordered from the Revival Focus online store.
John Van Gelderen
Post Author
God Bless you,i m bible student
i want to learn more word of God