Let me tell you about a time when I thought I was going to get passed by and how the Lord mercifully met with me.

In 1992-93, the Lord graciously launched me on a revival journey through a discovery of the meaning of grace, but there was so much more to learn. As a result, I became a reader because truth came alive to me. Reading books on the Holy Spirit ignited passion in my soul to know more of real life in the Spirit. Several friends and I kept touch as we were all on a similar journey.

As the new year of 1999 dawned, I sensed a need to understand John 14-16 and Acts 1-2. Many authors I had been reading stressed the importance of John 14-16. Being burdened for revival I also knew I needed to understand Acts 1-2. I had determined to saturate myself with those five chapters. Days turned into weeks; January turned into February, but nothing significant came to my understanding. It seemed as if these gold mine passages were dark. I couldn’t see. A tidbit here or there was all I could find. Yet I knew from my reading of Holy Spirt and revival authors that these chapters were vital.

One day I remember telling the Lord, “If You don’t open my eyes, I will get passed by. I simply don’t understand.” Then on a Saturday in March after arriving at a church and setting up our RV, I was sitting in my rocking chair studying. My Bible was opened to Acts 1-2. In His mercy, the Holy Spirit began to pour in light. I will never forget the thrill! What was previously obscure and surface became at once alive and deep. It was breathtaking. Over the next few days John 14-16 came alive with such meaning I was overwhelmed. Then John 6 ignited. Galatians 2:20 came alive. That led to Romans 6-8 being illuminated. From March to May these chapters and passages taught by the Holy Spirit gave me a sense for the first time of the inexhaustibleness of Scripture.

Much of what I preach today came out of that special time and the overflow that followed. Over the years the Lord has brought other vital truth to light, but the core of my ministry came from that sacred time.

In 2003, the first edition of The Wind of the Spirit was published. It condenses what the Lord stirred me with concerning the ministry of the Spirit in personal and corporate revival. After several years of being out of print, a second edition is now available.

Jesus likened the Holy Spirit to the wind. The analogy originated in the divine mind. God commanded the prophet Ezekiel to pray to the Spirit and cry out, “Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live” (Ezekiel 37:9,14).

For those who feel the need for a fresh breath of life and desire to know the supernatural lift through the wind of the Spirit and for those who long for the mighty wind of God in a corporate season of refreshing, The Wind of the Spirit highlights biblical truth that can ignite faith.

John Van Gelderen

John Van Gelderen

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