In your article on grace (see Q#23 The Meaning of Grace) you said we can “extend grace to others.” Can you give some practical examples?
Thank you,
Hello Janet,
Thank you for bringing this thought to the forefront. In the article on the meaning of grace, we concluded with this summary statement:
“Combining the nuances of how grace is used, we learn that grace is the undeserved favor of the supernatural enablement through the Holy Spirit to do God’s will. Simply stated, grace is Spirit-enablement. This covers a lot of ground and multiple needs. Beyond that, when a child of God takes grace and extends grace to others, he may be described correctly as being “gracious” in the truest sense.”
Let’s begin with the essence of what can happen, and then look at some practical examples. When you experience grace, you are experiencing the reality of the indwelling Spirit imparting the life of Christ to you. When you by faith take grace to you, then you can act with grace through you to others.
An obvious application would be the matter of patience to someone who is trying your patience. In the flesh, wrath can stir up wrath. But by taking grace you can—through the Spirit’s imparted strength—speak the soft answer that turns away wrath. This graciousness now blesses others.
Another application of extending grace to others involves forgiveness. When someone has wronged you, but they ask forgiveness, you can take grace and forgive them by the imparted power given when you trust to obey. Again, grace flows through you to someone else.
Faith accesses grace. Grace is Spirit-enablement. When the Spirit enables you, you are experiencing the fruit of the Spirit. While this is a real blessing for you, it is a real blessing to others. They get to “eat the fruit” as they are blessed by your response of longsuffering, kindness, and so forth. This is being “gracious” as you access grace by faith, and with that grace let others be touched by the reality of Christ in you, flowing through you. This is extending grace to others.
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Hey John another good article. Just to add to your examples,every time we extend unconditional forgiveness to someone we are showing and extending grace.
So in simple terms, I can’t do it myself, but I can let the Holy Spirit do it through me … it isn’t about “me” after all–another good reminder of something so easy to forget. Thank you for writing on this subject at a time when it is so necessary in my life.
Yes, amen!