Pertaining to the entire Christmas season, the following was written by my father, Wayne Van Gelderen Sr. Originally authored for a church-wide newsletter in 1989, the message is still relevant today, 29 years later.
People speak of the “magic of Christmas.” We know there is no magic—but there is something! Even the lost world senses—a breakthrough—a glimmer of light—a touch of hope! This is because the Holy Spirit blesses the message of the gospel. It would be hard to go through a Christmas season—even as a lost person—and not catch the message of the Gospel through the songs, Christmas cards, and so on. It is, therefore, an excellent time to be alert for opportunities to win men to Christ! Special tracts can be useful in our Christmas cards. Folks can be invited to church to hear the choir, the Sunday school program!
The great importance is our home. The atmosphere of Christmas should be one of rejoicing in His coming so long ago and his second coming just ahead. Part of our family tradition should be the reading of the Christmas story and the singing of the carols!
But it is of utmost importance that we take heed to ourselves. We can make this season one of evaluation—of looking up, of decision, of unselfishness, of exhibiting the true Spirit of giving!
May God help us to truly honor Christ this year!
John Van Gelderen
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