Q&A Column

№ 132 – Death Date: Fixed or Flexible?

Q.Is our time of death predetermined? Many Christians say God has set our death date but if that is true, why do we pray for physical healing? I understand He knows when we will die, but other than "it is appointed unto man once to die" (which doesn't necessarily...

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№ 131 – The Most Important Condition for Revival

Q.What is the most important thing that we need to do to have a revival? Dan A.Hello Dan, Great question! Over the years many have studied revival, the path to revival, and Bible passages related to conditions for revival. The summary of these conditions seems to be...

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№ 130 – Conscience and the Holy Spirit’s Leading

Q. Could you explain 1) How a pure and peaceful conscience could be related to faith-based reliance on the Holy Spirit's direction and timing for decision making, and 2) How a pure and peaceful conscience could also apply to one's personal opinions and standards in...

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№ 129 – Heirs of God and Personal Revival

Q. Greetings John, The Bible declares that Spirit born believers are “the children of God” and as such are “heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:16,17). Would you please explain what exactly this means, as I think that a clear understanding of this may...

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Q#128 Accepted and Complete in Christ

Q.Hello John, Could you please explain the meaning of being made “accepted in the beloved” (Eph. 1:6) and “complete in Him” (Col 2:10) and how understanding these truths may lead to personal revival. Thank you in Christ, Philip A.Hello Phillip, Thank you for your...

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№ 127 – Who Binds the Enemy?

Q. So are we to do as the lady in the movie "War Room" literally say the words, I bind Satan? DougA. Hello Doug, Thanks for the follow-up to Q&A 124. The question you are asking is essentially, “Who binds the enemy?” The issue here is not necessarily using the...

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№ 126 – Receiving the Spirit’s Power

Q. In a previous Q&A, you said, "Water baptism pictures Spirit baptism." Could you please explain the example in Acts 8 where the people are said to have received water baptism (Acts 8:12,15-17) but did not yet have the Spirit? Patrick A.Hello Patrick, Thank you...

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№ 125 – The Judgment Seat and No Condemnation

Q. Hello, John Can you please expound on [2Co 5:10 ESV] "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil." I was under the impression that once a believer...

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№ 124 – Pleading the Blood and Claiming the Throne

Q. Hi John,I’ve heard you publicly pray, “we plead the blood” and, “we claim our position at the throne.” Could you please explain what is meant by these prayer phrases? Thank you,Eric  A.  Hello Eric, Thank you for your question. I used to wonder about this when I...

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№ 123 – Teaching New Christians about the Holy Spirit

Q. When presenting the gospel to someone, and they receive Christ, what should be said about the Holy Spirit to a brand-new believer? I am thinking of our sealing in Ephesians, asking for in Luke 11:13, rivers of living waters in John 7:38. A. Hello, Wonderful...

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№ 122 – More of the Spirit?

Q. Is it wrong for a believer to ask for more of the Holy Spirit? I have heard, "Do not pray for more of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a complete member of the Trinity and is not in pieces. Every child of God has all of Him, but does He have all of you?" What...

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№ 121 – Addictions and Rewards

Q. Have a few friends who struggle with addictions yet are saved. Will this affect their rewards in heaven? Nancy A. Hello Nancy, Thank you for your honest inquiry. It’s actually a question that pertains to anyone who has a bad habit, whether or not we call it an...

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№ 120 – Can a Christian Backslide?

Q. I grew up in a pastor’s home and I got saved when I was 18. I felt a call to missions in Bible college but my dad didn’t think it was the right call. I dropped out of Bible college, married an unsaved man, separated, committed adultery, but came back to the Lord...

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№ 119 – Eternal Security and Living for God

Q. Hi John, Our son was (sincerely) asking if a person can't lose their salvation, why can't they live however they choose, especially if they "like the way they are." He is heavily influenced by the world. Thank you. A. Hello, Thank you for this thought provoking...

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№ 118 – Consistency in Fruit

Q. My question is very scary for me. I truly believe in the Lord Jesus and have as far as I know my own heart, have surrendered my entire life to Him out of Love and gratitude to Him for all He has done for me. But I have been reading about the fruit of abiding in Him...

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№ 117 – Biblical Revival

Q. What is biblical revival?  Awi Sang  A.Thank you for your important question. The concept of revival is sometimes quite misunderstood, and the greatest reason for confusion is when revival is defined by what it may do rather than what it is. Descriptions too often...

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№ 116 – The Nature of Bearing Fruit

Q.When Jesus spoke about bearing fruit, does it mean telling others about Him? Beverley A. Hello Beverley, Thank you for your question. The answer is important to understand. Jesus encourages bearing fruit in John 15 in the discourse on the vine and the branches....

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№ 115 – What Is Forgiveness?

Q.Would you explain forgiveness?  Thank you! Karen A.Hello Karen, Thanks for your question. In some ways it’s a big question; in others it’s simple—but it often demands the supernatural. “Forgive as Christ forgave” demands accessing Christ. Several books have been...

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№ 114 – Lordship Salvation vs. Free Grace

Q.Having read some of your critique of lordship salvation, is it correct to say that you lean slightly more to the free grace camp in the lordship salvation debate? Examples of theologians holding a mild free grace position that come to my mind are Lewis Sperry Chafer...

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№ 113 – The Kingdom

Q.Brother, You wrote "This (our faithfulness) will affect our potential in the kingdom made manifest at the judgment seat." [Q&A № 112] It seems that most Christians have a view of "life on earth, then heaven for eternity." Over the years I have become aware of...

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№ 112 – God’s Faithfulness

Q. What does Paul mean in 2 Timothy 2:13 when he says, "If we believe not, yet he abides faithful." Aaron   A.Hello Aaron, Thanks for the incisive question. Years ago this was brought to my attention. In fact, another young preacher and I strongly disagreed over the...

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№ 111 – Evidence of Meekness

Q.What are the evidences of meekness in a person's life? Karen A.Hello Karen, Thank you for your question. Meekness is an often overlooked and misunderstood word, so lexicons and word studies will provide a good starting point. Meek or meekness as used in the Old...

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№ 110 – Revival in the Last Days

Q.Given the fact that we are told of the dead spiritual condition at the very end of the age, “the love of many will grow cold,” “and when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth,” etc., is it even realistic at this point to expect much, if any, revival...

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№ 109 – Capturing Thoughts

Q.Hello John,What does it mean in 2 Cor. 10:5 “bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” and how does one achieve this? Thanks,Philip A.Hello Philip, Thank you for the meaningful questions. These particular matters affect us every day. The...

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№ 108: Entertainment and Revival

Q.How does worldliness in entertainment affect revival in the church?  Does Christian involvement in and support of entertainment like American Idol, The Voice, etc. hinder revival or allow opportunity to be a Christian in the public eye?A.Thanks for your question....

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№ 106: Fused to Jesus

Q.Could you please explain the verse, “he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit” (1 Cor 6:17) and how it impacts upon our sanctification in our daily lives? Thank you, Eric A.Hello Eric, Thanks for your question. I’m delighted you brought up this subject! It’s...

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№ 105: Cleansing and Personal Revival

Q.Frances Ridley Havergal experienced personal revival through understanding 1John 1:7, seeing that the word “cleanseth” is in the present and continuous tense. The way of holiness opened to her and changed her life. Could you please comment on this verse, explaining...

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№ 104: Do You Ever Stop Praying and Witnessing?

Q.Is it ever appropriate to stop praying for a person's salvation or to stop witnessing to a person for their salvation? Frank A.Hello Frank, Great question! I would assume many have wondered about this. Sometimes an individual seems totally indifferent even after...

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№ 103: Faith, Confession and Salvation

Q.I understand that salvation is through faith; why then does Romans 10:9 say If thou shalt confess with thy mouth? What part does confession play in salvation? LeahA.Hello Leah, Thanks for your question. Many have wondered this. The issue is faith. Most salvation...

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№ 102: Inspiration, Inerrancy and Translation

Q.At a Bible conference recently teaching on the subject of inspiration of translated scriptures, the statement was made “Inspiration is not inerrancy.” To me I thought they went together. Can you shed any light on this for me? WilliamA.Hello William, Thank you for...

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№ 101: Christ’s Death for Everyone

Q.When presenting the Gospel, should the presenter say to the unbeliever that Christ died for them? Kind Regards, Mike A.Hello Mike, Thanks for your question. I’m assuming your question relates to whether Jesus Christ died for every individual or just the elect. Let’s...

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Q#100 Preaching vs. Teaching

Q.What do you believe is the difference between preaching and teaching? Is it a matter of emphasis on facts vs. application? A.Hello, Great question! An important one too. The distinction needs to be understood from the Bible. Many think the main difference between...

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Q#99 Praying in the Spirit

Q. Jude exhorts us to be “praying in the Holy Ghost"(Jude 20), Paul in Ehp.6:18 states, “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit”, and 1Cor.14:15 says “I will pray with the spirit”, while the religious Pharisee of Luke 18:11 addresses...

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Q#98 The Sin unto Death

Q. Our family has been studying through 1 John together and have come to verse 16 of chapter 5 and are puzzling over what could possibly be a sin unto death. We first questioned what is meant by "death" - is it eternal death (separation from God) or...

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Q#97 How to Deal with Unwillingness

Q. How can I embrace Christ if I am prideful and don't want to be humble?Jojo A. Hello Jojo,Many wonder the same. Thank you for you honesty! The Bible gives us a prayer we can all pray when we feel this way.In Lamentations 5:21,...

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Q#96 Revival and Society

Q. What do you think is the biggest hindrance to revival in today’s society? And on the flip side, what is the biggest key to having revival in today’s society?Colton A. Hello Colton,Thanks for your thought-provoking question. If...

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Q#95 Revival and Desperation

Q. I seem to see we are in desperate need in our land. We are in desperate need in the church. As I talk to other Christians, I don't find a sense of desperation. "It's not good but we seem to be content with it." My question is, can we have revival if we...

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Q#94 Too Late

Q. While I was at church this morning, we sang the song, Have You Any Room for Jesus? One of the verses said, “Oh today is time accepted. Tomorrow you may call in vain.” Am I correct in saying this is not biblical? Does not the Bible say whosoever shall...

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Q#93 Sins of the Spirit?

Q. Can a saved person have “sins of the spirit”?  I have heard this preached on, but I can only find sins of the flesh in the Bible.Anthony A. Hello Anthony,Thanks for your intriguing question. A friend of mine and I discussed this...

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Q#92 Faith without Works

Q. John, I frequently hear people quoting James 2 that faith without works is dead, and then basically proceed to judge others who don’t live up to their personal standard of holiness and pronounce them unsaved. My question is, does this verse and overall...

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Q#91 The Word of Faith

Q. What do you think of the Word of Faith movement? You got me to thinking about this movement, if that is what it is.Earl A. Hello Earl,Thank you for your question. In light of the recent articles addressing faith, it is a fair...

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Q#90 The Spiritual Gift of Faith

Q. I have a question about 1 Cor. 12. You are talking about growing in faith. What about the Spiritual gift of faith spoken of in verse 9? Is that only giving to certain believers as a special gift?Beverly A. Hello Beverly,Thank you...

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Q#89 How to Grow Faith

Q. If I see a defect in my character (an area of frequent failure), does that mean I need more faith? What is your advice on how to grow faith? It seems “trying harder to have more faith” can also become a work of the “self.”Thank you,Irene A....

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Q#88 Calvinism, Hyper-Calvinism, and Arminianism

Q. What are the beliefs of Calvinism, Hyper-Calvinism and Arminianism?Steve A. Hello Steve,Thank you for your question. Volumes have been written on this subject, but here, we will only summarize some major points to highlight the...

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Q#87 Five Views of Sanctification

Q. Kindly briefly explain to me the main differences between the 5 views on sanctification and which you think is the most accurate?. I am Holiness Pentecostal. Thank you.Anonymous A. Hello,Thank you for your honest question. I’m...

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Q#86 Beginning Gospel Conversations at the Door

Q. Greetings John:I have many Gospel of John copies, that I am hoping to distribute in my neighborhood, door-to-door, this summer. I still struggle with how to begin the conversation, going door-to-door. I would appreciate any counsel concerning this. Look...

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Q#85 Salvation, Forgiveness, and Confession

Q. John,I been studying 1 John 1:9 on forgiveness and prayer, in this chapter 1, there is no mention of forgiveness but there is confession."Do Christians have to keep asking for forgiveness for their sins?" A frequent question is “what happens if I sin,...

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Q#84 Be Holy

Q. Could you explain 1 Peter 1:15-16, but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” Is it saying that believers are actually seen as holy since Christ lives in us and that’s why we...

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Q#83 Imitation or Impartation?

Q. In 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul tells us, “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.” As I began reading some of Rees Howells – Intercessor, the author mentions that Rees at one point resolved to “live up to the teaching of the Savior,” which I take to be...

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I write on the Spirit-filled Life (experiencing Jesus personally), revival and awakening (experiencing Jesus corporately), the Holy Spirit (the agent who manifests the life of Jesus), and faith (the access to the life of Jesus). In addition I may occasionally address related matters along with highlighting relevant resources.


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