The greatest hindrance to revival is not sin. Sin is why we need revival. The greatest hindrance is when we do not deal with our sin.

The psalmist said, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear” (Psalm 66:18). The issue is not the fact of having iniquity in your heart; it is a regarding of that iniquity. The regarding of sin is disregarding God. While God does not turn away from His children, we can hinder our fellowship with Him through such disregard. Sin must be dealt with. It must be acknowledged or owned. Then the blood cleanses and restores unhindered fellowship.

Many face a problem that can be traced to subtle sins of the converted life, sins that we often overlook. Sins like pride, which others see in us while we seem blind to it. Sins like abrasiveness, a caustic edge, irritability, and impatience. Sins like a critical spirit that focuses on the negative rather than the positive in others. Complaining. Condescension. Secret indulgences. Sins like self-will in ministry. The list could go on.

In the 1960s, when three ladies started meeting weekly to pray for their church, they asked God to search their hearts based on Psalm 66:18. Six “miserable weeks” followed as they dealt with the subtle sins the Holy Spirit brought to their attention. Then, the Spirit released them to pray for God to pour out His Spirit in revival on their church. The next Sunday, the Spirit moved. God granted a season of refreshing for six months, reviving the church and bringing in a fresh harvest of souls.

John Van Gelderen

John Van Gelderen

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