
I feel a need for a spiritual breakthrough. I accepted the Lord at a young age. Got married against God’s perfect will and now feel guilt and lack of freedom in the Lord. Help!


Thank you for your honest heart cry. Jesus is the healer of our hearts.

The wonderful revival passage in Isaiah comes to mind. God invites those who are thirsty to come to His living waters and those who have no money to come buy and eat without money (Is. 55:1). It’s not by merit, but by faith. Faith is not a work, or in this case money; faith depends on the worker, on God, who does what man cannot do.

Later in this revival passage, the challenge is given to seek the Lord, to forsake our own way of thinking and simply cast ourselves on the Lord Himself. He promises to have mercy and abundantly pardon (Is. 55:6-7). God’s thoughts and ways are higher than ours (Is. 55:8-9).

Undoubtedly, you have already been honest with God about marrying against His will. The moment you were honest, He abundantly pardoned. This is His own sure word—but you must take God at His word regardless of how you feel. He pardoned. You’re clean. Take the clean heart by faith. You’re free!

God has ways higher than ours. He has a way to restore. He has a way to work all things for good to those who love Him (Rom. 8:28). The question is not what was God’s will, but what is God’s will for you today. Surely, He does not desire you to live in guilt. He abundantly pardons. Rest in His perfect love.

God loves you as much as He loves His own Son, and Jesus loves you as much as the Father loved Him (John 17:23;15:9). Since His love is unconditional, He loves you as much on your worst day as on your best. Believe it. Abide in His love.

When you take His cleansing and trust Him to revive you, He will fill you with His life (Eph. 5:18). His life frees you to be all God wants you to be right now, and His life manifest in you will bless those around you.

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